If you plan to participate in any Championship(s) or the corresponding qualifiers conducted by the Chicago District Golf Association, it is important that you read the following information. It is your responsibility to know the rules and regulations concerning participation in CDGA events.
This page was last updated on April 5, 2023, and could be updated or modified throughout the championship season.
Championship Eligibility
The CDGA conducts a comprehensive championship schedule for members of the Association and Illinois residents. Please refer to the website for a detailed description of each tournament, including eligibility requirements.
Follow link to
CDGA Championship Schedule
Rule 25 - Modifications for Players with Disabilities.- All players are required to meet the eligibility requirements for each Championship. Players wishing to utilize Rule 25 must provide the CDGA with the following 14 days prior to the qualifier or championship.
- WR4GD Pass Number
- Virtus II1 International Eligibility number (for players with intellectual disabilities)
- Description of your disability
- Description and photo of any adaptive equipment that you use to play golf. We will need to make sure all equipment used complies with the Rules of Golf.
Alcohol, Marijuana and Controlled Substance Policy
During the round or any delay should a player or caddie consume, be under the influence of, or have in his/her possession any alcohol, marijuana or controlled substance, the player will be disqualified from that tournament. In the event the Committee determines serious misconduct has occurred, the player and/or caddie will also be suspended from all CDGA events for a minimum of 12 months. The player may appeal any such suspension to the CDGA Championship Policy Committee.
All players, caddies and spectators must be properly attired both on the golf course and on the premises of the club. Jeans of any color, t-shirts and tank tops are prohibited. Golf shirts must be worn and shorts must be mid-thigh length. No cut-off or jean shorts are allowed. This dress code is in effect at all CDGA events and all USGA qualifying rounds in conjunction with any additional dress code restrictions of the site hosting the tournament.
Awards ceremonies will be conducted at the Championships. It is encouraged that all players who win a trophy or gift certificate stay to accept their prize.
Caddies are allowed at all CDGA Championships and Qualifiers.
Code of Conduct
Contestants and their caddies are reminded that, at all times, appropriate golf etiquette and dress is required. Any abuse or disrespect of fellow players, officials, host, spectators, employees, or other persons conducting or attending CDGA sponsored or conducted events can be grounds for immediate removal from the event and denial of entry for future events. Such abuse or disrespect may be verbal, physical or threat thereof, and includes but is not limited to the use of vulgar or obscene language, as well as physical damage to property or equipment of any of the persons set forth above or the hosting facility. Contestants may be subject to penalty for breach of the CDGA Code of Conduct Policy as permitted by local rule adoption 5I allowed in Rule 1.2 (b). A Code of Conduct breach is determined at the discretion of the committee. Code of Conduct breaches will compound over the course of the year.
Model Penalty Structure:
- First breach of the Code of Conduct - warning or Committee sanction.
- Second breach - general penalty.
- Third Breach or any serious misconduct - disqualification.
Communication Devices
Electronic communication devices carried during a stipulated round by either a player or caddie should be powered off or kept in silent mode. Use of these devices should be limited to emergencies or specifically permitted golf purposes, such as scoring, checking leaderboards or requesting a ruling. Devices are NOT to be used for voice, text, or audio communications. Players will be subject to penalty if their usage of such a device distracts other players.
Conditions of Tournament Entry
The CDGA reserves the right to decline any entry. All entries submitted to the CDGA must be completed in full and include the entry fee for the event. In order to be officially entered into an event(s), the entry and the fees must be received by the CDGA no later than 5 p.m. on the day the entries close. The CDGA reserves the right to expand the field size at a qualifier to accommodate an excess of entries.
Spikes having single or multiple points designed to penetrate deeply into the surface of the ground (regardless of whether made of metal, ceramic, plastic or other materials) are strictly prohibited. Model Local Rule G-7 is in effect.
Handicap ADA Cart Requests
- Caddie Request - If a player or caddie requests the use of a handicap cart, the player must complete and return the player/caddie request form to the CDGA office by the entry deadline of the event. This form is only necessary for events that do not allow motorized carts. Failure to complete and return the request form will deny one the use of a handicap cart at the event.
- Spectator Request - If a spectator requests the use of a handicap cart, the player or spectator must complete and return the spectator request form to the CDGA office 7 days prior to the day of qualifying or the championship. Failure to complete and return the request form will deny one the use of a handicap cart at the event.
No Shows
The CDGA reserves the right to decline any entry based on a player’s previous year’s attendance in an event. Players who fail to appear for their assigned starting time without notifying the CDGA will be considered a no show. No shows also include any player who fails to turn in a scorecard or who withdraws during play without notifying an official and personally surrendering his/her scorecard to that official.
Should a player who qualifies for a championship not inform the CDGA that he or she wishes to withdraw from the championship, the player may be suspended from playing in further tournaments. A letter of warning or suspension will be issued after the player no shows for a championship.
In the event a player is close to the lead or in contention for a qualifying spot that requires a playoff, the player should remain at the course and close to the scoring area for announcements. It is the player's responsibility to be present when the playoff is announced.
Practice Rounds
The CDGA does not require the host qualifying site to provide a practice round for contestants in either CDGA/State championships or qualifiers. The decision as to whether a practice round will be available is at the discretion of the host site. If a practice round is available, each contestant is responsible to contact the host site and pay for any practice round(s) they wish to play.
Push Carts
Push Carts are allowed at all CDGA Championships and Qualifiers, unless otherwise stated in the tee time information.
Spectators are allowed at all CDGA events.
- Spectators are discouraged from performing duties as a caddie. If a spectator is found to be acting as a caddie, they and the player will be held accountable for all actions under the Rules of Golf.
- Spectators are allowed to carry food, drink, and other items (umbrellas, outerwear, sunscreen, etc.) and are permitted to give such objects to their player.
- If requesting a Handicap Cart under the ADA - refer to the Handicap Cart Request section above.
- Spectators are prohibited from entering the player scoring area.
Riding Carts
- CDGA Amateur / Illinois State Amateur Championships - Riding Carts are NOT permitted. All players must walk at the Championship proper for both of these championships. Carts may be taken during qualifiers for these two events.
- All Other CDGA / State Championships - Players may take a riding cart in all other CDGA conducted Championships - CDGA Mid-Am / CDGA Senior / CDGA 4-Ball / CDGA Senior 4-Ball / State Women's Am / State Mid-Am / State Senior. Only 2 carts per group will be allowed.
- Qualifiers for all CDGA / State Championships - Players may take a riding cart in all CDGA conducted qualifiers for CDGA and State Championships. Only 2 carts per group will be allowed.
Note: bringing a caddie does not guarantee you a personal cart.
Start Time Requests
The CDGA will not honor any start time requests for any CDGA tournament or USGA qualifying round.
Tournament Procedures/Information
- Tee Times - Information concerning pairings, starting times, etc., will be emailed and uploaded to the CDGA website approximately 10-14 days prior to the event.
- Key Documents - All tournament documents, including hole location sheets, notice to players and Hard Card, will be posted electronically 1-3 days prior to the tournament. A player is encouraged to view and read these materials on their own before their round. These documents will also be posted in the CDGA Tournament App the day of the event.
- Official Scorecard - Paper scorecards will NOT be provided. The official scorecard is through the CDGA Tournament App. Players will be given access to the CDGA Tournament App the day of the event. There will be one official scorer per group. All other players/teams will be able to use the marker feature within the app. If players want to utilize a paper scorecard for marking purposes only, they may do so, but will need to take a club scorecard.
- Pace of Play - Pace of Play guidelines for each event will be posted in the CDGA Tournament App. Scores entered after each hole will monitor your pace of play. It is Imperative that scores be entered upon completion of each hole, otherwise the group may receive a warning for slow play.
- Returning/Verifying Scorecard - All players in the group MUST report to the scoring area upon completion of the round. Failure to report to the scoring area will result in Disqualification from the event and the player will be listed as a No Card (NC). A scorecard is considered returned and final after all players in the group have verbally agreed to the hole-by-hole scores while at the scoring table with the CDGA staff member. Once players exit the scoring area, no additional changes can be made.
Withdrawal/Refund Policy
Individuals who have entered a CDGA event and wish to withdraw for any reason MUST notify the CDGA via email at withdraw@cdga.org. WDs submitted at least one week prior to the qualifier will receive a full refund, minus a $25 administrative fee, provided a written notification is submitted to the CDGA office. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN FOR WITHDRAWALS LESS THAN 7 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EVENT.
- When the field for an event is full, please follow the waitlist prompt during the online registration process. Players can either choose to be on a waitlist of sign up for an open qualifier - you cannot do both. You will pay to reserve your position on the waitlist. A full refund will be given to anyone on a waitlist who does not make it into the event. Entries are placed on the waitlist in order of time and date received. When you finish the registration process for the waitlist, you will receive a confirmation email with your position on the list. Players will be notified when a spot becomes available in the qualifier/championship. Players remaining on the waitlist are NOT allowed to be alternates onsite for any qualifier.
Alternate Policy for a Championship without Qualifiers
- The Alternate Policy is only in effect for the CDGA Senior Amateur Four-Ball Championship.
If this event is filled any team remaining on the waitlist may choose to travel to the championship site and become an alternate. The status of the alternates will be in the order in which they appear on the waitlist. The alternates shall report to the supervising CDGA staff member prior to the first starting time. Alternates that appear after the first starting time shall be placed at the end of the waitlist. Alternates shall have no status at the site. As an alternate, it is the sole responsibility of the individual to pay for all expenses, which may include range balls and food service.
All other CDGA/State championships do not have an alternate policy in effect.